Monday, June 14, 2010

Smile, damn you!

A very strange and enigmatic find, this. Badly-drawn happy face, a take on a soap-opera title, and a command to be grinning. What to make of it?
It's all so self-evident after hearing it!

Well, actually no, it isn't.
Turns out it's a circa-1970's promo for The Bay, a Canadian department store.
You can wade through this mess for a better description.

Download here:
As the Bay Turns


Robert Dayton, Junior said...

I wonder what happened afterwards with Mr. Buckley and the two female employees.

Darcy Jansen said...

That little episode was struck on wax on an even rarer Bay 7" a while later, apparently. Supposedly has a wicked backing band churning out some fine porntrack.